Details About...
Surprisingly I’m not a squirrel but a human being with a passion for software development, user interface design and the whole Open Source idea. I’ve just finished studying Computer Science and Media at Ulm University in Germany.
If you would like to contact me for any reason except spamming, please feel as free as possible to do so by using the Contact link at the bottom of the page or, if that one seems to be too far away, click here to write me.
While this web site is dedicated to my projects, I also have a private home page (almost completely in German) which you can find at
...this Website
This website is (or more correctly at the moment: is to be) the home for my projects in the Open Source community. Feel free to look around and discover interesting (or soon-to-be-interesting) things! As with everything I put on the web, this site is also a project itself, a playground for my other big passion, web design.
The site is gradually being built up and extended, so please beware you might find some loose ends here and there.
...the Background Photos
In the background of the different pages on this website you can find different photos that I’ve taken at different places in the world. Click here for a list of all photos.
...the Squirrel
It's cute, isn’t it?