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Let the web live

I love websites – there’s hardly any other “IT product” that in such a huge amount allows combining design, information architecture and development with a maximum level of creativity (too bad today some try to replace them with boring social network profiles or always the same looking “apps”). That’s why I not only like to look at website but also create them myself – not for a living, but as a hobby, mainly for my own use.

Here you can (through the favorite-links above) take a look at a selection of websites created by me. I hope you like ’em!


When I create websites, I respect the widely accepted rules for website design: content and form are seperated through the use of style sheets, the pages are accessible, have been validated by the CSS and HTML validators of the W3C, so they respect the current standards of the World Wide Web Consortium and this way ensure optimum support by current browsers.
